I am obsessed with F. Scott Fitzgerald. Everytime I go into a used bookstore I scour the shelves for anything of his. These covers by Coralie Bickford-Smith make me want to scream! They're so beautiful. I have never heard of Flappers and Philosophies... but I need to find it, even if it is just a boring old copy.
I like to consider myself a proffesional internet window shopper. I can spend hours at a time selecting and removing items from my cart. And once I have concocted the most impressive collection and minimized my items so that the cost is somewhat doable, I sign off, and spend the rest of the day daydreaming about the items I will never recieve.
I came across designer Natalie Woods' site, Something Else today. She is based out of Australia, and her inspiration for design comes from art, music, nature, and pop culture in general. She also has a pretty neat blog http://somethingissomethingelse.blogspot.com - mostly art and music stuff. I like the idea of looking at the actual art pieces that inspire an article of clothing.
"Meanwhile the men stood in calm little groups, chatting, smoking, pretending to pay no heed to the rustling animation of the women's world. But they could not really talk, because of the glassy ravel of women's excited, cold laughter and running voices. They waited, uneasy, suspended, rather bored" - D.H Lawrence