Wednesday, March 2, 2011


I've been working on images for a block print calendar for 2012.  I'm going to have it be a vegetable theme.  Each month will have a carved stamp image of one vegetable that is in season that month.  And I've been messing around with the idea of including a simple recipe for each month's vegetable.  Not completely sure how I would get it in print on the calendar though, since I am not screen printing.  I was thinking I could use a type writer, or letter stamps, but that would take so long to do on each individual page.  Any ideas?  I was also thinking it would be neat if it was on a removable card, so it could be added to a recipe box or something.  Below are rough sketches for block print stamp ideas.  All the scribbles are recipe ideas, I had to take these photos via laptop - sorry for the poor images.





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