I am seriously considering buying a kickwheel that is on Craigslist for a ridiculously low price. I'm thinking I could make my pottery and take it to one of the few local studios to get it fired at a reasonable price. There are still so many things I want to make. My pottery class is coming to an end, I have only two more classes to go, and still so many more things I want to make. I also feel stifled in a room full of people, and a teacher watching and judging. I mean I know I am suppose to be there to learn skills and techniques, and I still definitely have a ton of learning to do, but part of me kind of just wants to experiment on my own. Anyways, here are a few inspiring pieces. I especially love the hanging tiered bowls, I could soooo use this. And I've always wanted/wanted to make a ceramic collander.
via: Vessels and Wares
via: Pigeon Toe Ceramics
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